Sarika Singh
7 min readFeb 4, 2022


How Corona has changed our lives ..

I still remember how the outbreak of the virus two years back was similar to something we read in our history textbooks . I had heard of famines in the era with no medical advancement . But since my birth ,had never witnessed it . I actually couldn’t feel it till the close people surrounding me started getting affected . It was really an expression that none of us would have imagined . Sounded so unbelievable that a small virus can change our lives and infact had a potential to take our lives ,in this era where medical researches have solution for almost everything .

Masked lives

It was actually for the first time that masks were seen out of Hospitals . We were actually not aware of its importance before . Surgical masks , cloth masks , N 95 , etc and etc . were flying in various colors on every store . Even the children then could differentiate between the kinds of it . As we were not used to it , it was sometimes rather most of the times a burden loaded on our mouths ( I said mouths because masks are still seen to be hanging below nostrils in most of the cases ) . It was also not an easy affair for those who used to love wearing lipsticks 👄💋💄and also for those hiding their eyes behind the spectacles .

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Make up products expired before death

I after my marriage became so fond of beautifying me with the help of all sorts of so called make up products . Any woman who loves wearing these can surily understand how much research work it required to actually chose one for you . How much experiments our skin has to face before actually being able to reach at the final selection 💃🙆. All went in vain . Those used to scream at me . I used to wait desperately every morning to have the news of decline in the no of cases or weekening of the powerful virus . But contrary to that it used to gain more power day by day . Putting make up behind the bars of masks would messed up the things . Used to look for solutions on you tube “ how to use make up while wearing masks ?”. And so on ….! These were the cons . But then in the end it also taught me alot . I started looking beyond those fancy packed expensive boxes . I thought about looking beautiful from inside . Concentrated more on eating good , staying healthy . Tried , applied and relied on “nani maa k nuskhe" . Had experienced a lot of freedom from those artificial looks which stayed for a short period ( I really am not against of make up products , but I genuinely feel that one should use them wisely ).

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Heard of Immunity ?

Immunity was other word which caught much needed attention finally . We talked about lemons , ginger tea , kaadha , cinnamon , tulsi , giloy , and much more . Our old science of Ayurveda finally could be found in almost every houses . Yogas , meditation , physical exercise , walk could be the topics one used to talk about . I used to make kaadha for my family and insisted upon consuming it religiously . I really want to share the recipe my mother shared with me .

( for one cup )

Take a glass of water in a container , leave it to boil , lower the flame

Add one table spoon of ajwain , 2–3 black pepper seeds ( crushed), 2–3 tulsi leaves , small part of cinnamon stick crushed , half lemon , one table spoon of honey , small part of crushed ginger .

Leave it on medium flame till it gets halved .

It used to give a lot of internal satisfaction after consuming it . I used to feel like shakti man , and powerful enough to fight the virus . Well it was an enriching change .

Work from Home

Finally work from home was announced to control the spread of virus . Schools ran on mobile and laptops , coaching went on line . There was a sudden rise in the use of Myntra , flipkart , Amazon etc . Momos, samoses could be seen on watsapp status of most of the wives or mothers . It was good initially . Family was together . No offices no schools . Housewives got a temporary relief from preparing lunch boxes on time . Many newly married couple got time to stay together ( and many babies were born too 👩‍❤️‍👨🤰🤱🧑‍🍼👪).

The other side of it was totally different . Who wants husband’s to sit at house daily and annoying there wives by their frequent demands of jalebi and Samose ?🧟😭. The life of wives after some time became miserable . The kids who used to go to school for few hours were then staying 24*7 at houses . Mums who hardly gets any time for themselves lost that too . They could be found in kitchen most of the times initially by their own new choices , lately forced .

There were quarrels , fights , depression , anxiety . ( How can I forget the case of actor Sushant ) . Social isolation created a gulf . People couldn’t move out. They couldn’t meet their friends . They couldn’t go to theatres , move to parks , go to restaurants . I strongly believe everything and everyone has different roles in your life . One person and one things can not permanently replace the role of others .

Overuse of social media

Children I think were the worst effected . The one who has just started their journey could actually experience the normal road . The one who had to get admission in school saw their enrolments on the laptop . Their teachers for them were the figures moving on the screen . The don’t know what the walls of the classroom feel like . They couldn’t understand the discipline one has to have as a student . They couldn’t have bonds with the classmates . They couldn’t know the seriousness of exams . Accessibility of mobile at this age brought them to the world that impacted their soft minds dangerously . They became prome to grow more than their age . This was not the end . Adults also sitting in home ideally , when found themselves frustrated of staying inside relied on social media . Day and night the screen with harmful radiations crossed them . Sudden turn of ladies towards making themselves chef and putting their status on watsapp created a lot of negative competition among their phone contacts and invited thousands and lakhs of calories their home . Husbands were not happy with the expense . People became obese .

Image courtesy: The Irish Times


True face of relationships was witnessed . People used to leave their own infected parents in isolation . They did not want to go to see them . Infected people were treated like untouchables . No body was there to claim the dead bodies . The other hand saw unknowns helping the infected . Relationships became unpredictable as life . People couldn’t bear the presence of their loved ones 24*7.

Hand hygiene

Did I use sanitizers before ? May be only a few times but not regularly . Did I ever think about the correct ways of washing my hands ? Certainly not . Hand hygiene became important . Hand washes and hand sanitizers were bought and kept . Everytime I used to enter my home or before eating something I used to wash my hands before touching anything . Used to wash it for not less than 21 seconds . Then used to do anything. It was again very satisfying . Masks and sanitizers were air to breath those days ,when we really couldn’t rely on air .

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Covid pandemic taught us in many ways . Lessons should be learnt . Young girls have lost their husbands . Mothers have lost their young sons . People have lost their parents . Most of the institutions be it Govt , family Medical, Educational etc have faced it’s havoc . Roles of every such institutions is involved . Nothing in isolation is running the world . Loopholes are highlighted by the pandemic with sharp luminous way . If the needs are not looked into now , many mutants are in making for future .



Sarika Singh

Writing about my own experiences and thoughts and also to evaluate them from time to time . A civil servant , a learner .